eBiking at Skypark at Santa’s Village

Team Shimano heads to Lake Arrowhead, California with STEPS ambassador Hans Rey to explore the e-MTB friendly bike park SkyPark at Santa’s Village. SkyPark is a family-style bike park, designed for all levels of riding, centered around creating a full experience for the entire family around outdoor thrill and good old fashion camaraderie.

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The idea of this trip was to traverse one of the biggest cities in the world on bikes in 5 days, not only showing the incredible nature and mountains surrounding this city but also its diverse neighbor hoods, suburbs and famous landmarks. When this city was founded its full name was “El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora Reina de los Angeles sobre el Rio Porciuncula.” (If your Spanish is rusty, that translates to “The town of our lady queen of the angels on the Porciuncula River.”) a.k.a. L.A. or Los Angeles.

Kilimanjaro: Mountain of Greatness

Hans Rey, Danny MacAskill and Gerhard Czerner head out on the mountain bike journey of a lifetime. Facing intense altitude challenges and health risks, this team sets out to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania on their mountain bikes.

Watch the film of Hans’ Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya trip here: Kilimanjaro Mountain of Greatness – REDBULL TV 

Also read this write up about the expedition from Teton Gravity Research

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